Dec 05, 2018

Been There, Done That, and Bought the T-Shirt

Where to find the perfect Outer Banks T-Shirt to share with family and friends

But which t-shirt exactly?  There are so many…which ones are really true Outer Banks?


With the holiday season looming, as you visit the Outer Banks many of us will be looking for the right t-shirt to share with our loved ones and friends.  It’s tough to know which ones are the coolest or most unique. We thought we’d share our top “lucky seven” favorite t-shirts we like for stocking stuffers and holiday smiles.

Duck's Cottage T-shirt
  1. Duck Cottage Coffee Shop — Once home to a real-life old-school hunt club, the Duck Cottage Shop is the crossroads of Duck.  Nothing says authentic in Duck like this shop. A t-shirt from there says you know where Duck happens.
Coastal Explorations T-shirt

2. Coastal Explorations in Corolla — Owned by an environmental scientist and commercial fisherwoman, Coastal Explorations has an awesome t-shirt with a map that says it all.  With this shirt, you’re supporting all the right things that make Corolla Village so dang cool. Ever done a moonlit ‘yak tour? She does them all the time.

3. Carawan’s in Kitty Hawk — In business for 38 years, Carawan’s Fish Market supports local seafood, local fishing, and local cheer with their great seafood selection.  A shirt or hoodie from there you means you support working waterman and locally sourced fish–it’s also where many of the locals grab their holiday meals.

WRV T-shirt

4. Wave Riding Vehicles — WRV is a tradition along the beach going back to 1967.  With a wide selection of apparel, a few things from there are sure to be crowd pleasers and again you’re supporting local entrepreneurs with deep roots on the Outer Banks.

Carova Beach Fire & Rescue shirt

5. Carova Beach Fire and Rescue — One of the collector’s items among shirts from the Northern Beaches, nothing says local like supporting the team of volunteer first responders up in Swan Beach and Carova.  If you can get there, this is a must-do and makes a great statement to friends and family alike. You had to get up the beach and back down again to grab this one.

Brew Thru shirt

6. Brew-Thru — An absolute classic, no stay on the beach is complete without a shirt from the Outer Banks original drive-through beverage shop.  With locations in Corolla, Kitty Hawk, and Nags Head they’re easy to find and easy to take home.

Surfin spoon shirt

7. Surfin’ Spoon — Another locally owned and operated emerging tradition, their frozen yogurt is a family-friendly home run and a great spot to relax as you hustle around the beach.  Their t-shirts and sweaters win the soft-and-comfy category. In addition, if you’re really looking to go top shelf the famous Jewelry By Gail boutique is a hop-and-jump away.

As an added bonus, we love all of our first responders so you can never go wrong supporting any of the police or fire stations along the beach — any of these make for a great surprise.


Happy holiday shopping! 

Twiddy & Company

Twiddy & Company

Dec 05, 2018

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